Friday, April 21, 2006

Gerald Dial Single-handedly Talks Alabama Center for Rural Development to Death

Clay County's DINO Gerald Dial is singled out for his inexcusable actions in amending to death an effort to establish an executive agency like every other Southern state uses to help rural areas. The Mobile Register Op-Ed from the 20th of April points out that the Alabama Development Office has had their chance to help our 1.2 million rural citizens. Additionally, studies and common sense shows that rural areas have special circumstances that require a different approach than what ADO offers. It is time the 13th had a Senator that was not a tool of the Big Mules but rather looked out for the branchheads. I'm not sure what the Governor's position was on the CRD but given that he's also from Clay County I think he has some 'splaining to do as well. Gerald Dial's time for excuses has long ago passed. Peace ... or War!
